If you are a returning member, please sign-in to renew your membership.
Please complete registration form to become a new member of AHPA.
2024 Membership Renewal is open!
Please note: It takes 12-24 hours for your new membership to be reviewed and activated. Thank you for your patience.
Emails coming from are from AHPA. Please check your junk mail if you do not receive the emails.
HST #: 83682-9630-RT0001
QST #: 1225998767
Student Memberships
Students who have a demonstrated interest in rheumatology practice, research, or education, and are studying for a degree/diploma that upon being granted would qualify for registration as a Member (Clinician, Researcher or Administrator) are eligible for student membership.
If you are a Registered Health Professional doing extra training/degrees, you must join as a Regular Member.
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